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Special needs dogs help with kids in physical therapy posted a really neat article a couple of days ago about the use of dogs in physical therapy.  Animal therapy isn’t super new in the field, but there’s a twist!  All of the dogs have special needs (deaf, blind, three legged) — sounds like some therapy on both sides!

Akron Children’s Hospital Doggie Brigade uses over 70 dogs to provide this regular service to kids in their physical therapy programs and has been doing so since 1992!  Current featured dog is Chloe a Boxer (1 of 2 in the program) and has been providing her services since 2014.  Check out more Doggie Brigade pups!

The article speaks of some children who are less motivated to participate in therapy unless the dogs are around.  In the tough world of meeting outcome goals for children, any boost can be a great catalyst to faster and fuller recovery.  Here’s the full article entitled “‘An inspiration’: Dogs with special needs help kids heal in physical therapy.”

Have you worked with any therapy animals in your practice?  Find it beneficial across the age spectrum?  I know I’d rather have a dog by my side while recovering from (likely) future running injuries!

Have a great Friday and let us know your thoughts in the comments!

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