We are delighted that more and more therapists are engaging and enabling families to be deeply involved in the care of an individual. Today’s parents, and family members, often face an uphill battle in gaining proper knowledge from qualified individuals — as the involved therapists do not have the time or resources to dedicate to this level of education. We increasingly hear this is a frustration for both parents and therapists.
Due to our dedication to Sharing Knowledge, it’s also a frustrating situation for us. We constantly hear that our national workshops would be helpful to parents and families — continuity of care, learning face-to-face with other parents and therapists, and simply being more informed are just a few of the benefits.
So today we’re responding to this need. We are very excited to announce the all new Parent/Family Rate. Starting immediately any parents or family members may attend any of our national workshops at the family-friendly rate of just $99.00!
Here’s the deal on the $99 Parent/Family Rate:
- Only $99 – nothing hidden, we promise.
- Attend any live workshop, anywhere in the country.
- Online registration is currently not available. You may register via phone, fax or mail (groups of 2 or more must use fax or mail). Please use the special Parent/Family registration packet here.
- A CE certificate or associated credit will not be issued.
We’d love to keep this offer on the table indefinitely but we’ll only be able to if parents and families take advantage of this offer during the Spring!
Can you help get the word out? We’d appreciate you mentioning this special offer to any parents and families who could benefit.
Let us know any thoughts you have about serving parents and families (just leave a quick comment!). We’re always looking to give back to the community that continues to support our education efforts — thanks!
I am writing to support the very real needs expressed by Sheri and Racheryl. I am a former OT with a teenage daughter living with ADHD, BPD, RAD, and probable Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder. In 2005, after 28 years in my profession and several years of working very part-time in order to meet my daughter’s needs, I allowed my license to lapse. I did so because I had been unable to afford to pay for enough continuing education credits in the previous 2 years to maintain my license. Many of us professionals with children with special needs are unable to work full time, so consequently the financial burden of paying for our continuing education credits lies solely with us, not an employer.
What a shame to lose professionals such as myself, who are able to provide a unique prespective to the families of clients they serve, because of inability to afford required continuing education. I have reconciled myself to my change in life path, but hate to see the same thing happen to someone else.
I applaud your corporate decision to offer reduced rates to parents. But I truly hope that at the same time you will offer these reduced rates AND CE’s to professionals who are also parents of children with special needs. By doing this you would provide a much needed (and over-looked) service.
Janet Hogan
If I register at the parent rate, do I at least receive a “certificate of attendance”?
I am a Physical Therapist Asst. who also has a special needs son who has NVLD. It is difficult to take the time to maintain my liscense requirements even though I am not employed. I do want to keep my liscense and go to these work shops. I was happy to see the family discount but was very disappointed to see that with the discount you take away the credits for professionals. You know there are professionals who are not working because they have their own problems to solve and need the credits and information at the same time. What about us? You don’t guarantee the knowledge we will gain but at least get us the credits. I recently went to a pediatric lecture and the speaker ran out of time just before he was to teach us how to deal with the issues. I still paid all the money but did not gain all of the knowledge. That isn’t fair and neigher is this new “family” discount.
I’m an occupational therapist and I have a special needs son. He is 9 years old and has Asperger’s , ADHD and dyslexia. I’m a single mother without any support from his father. Can I apply for the family rate and get CE’s. I spent over 10,000 dollars last year in co-pay’s for therapy and medication. Please let me know if you can help me.
Racheryl Barnes-Durkay, OTR
Hi Racheryl,
I am also an O.T. with a 15 year old son with Asperger’s and ADHD so I can definitely identify with you. Your right, our costs for special needs children are tremendous and I also have the added cost of weekly counseling sessions. I think Summit could set a trend here if they would offer parents/therapists the special rates to help us not only learn more how to help our children but also to help with providing CE requirements for our license. It is the right thing to do. Perhaps Summit could start with Autism month and then possibly extend throughout the year. In today’s economy, that would be a great advertising bonus.